Teach Peace: Developing Empathy and Hope in Our Schools and Classrooms

“If we are to reach real peace in the world, we shall have to begin with the children.” Ghandi.  In these tumultuous times, it is more essential than ever to teach the skills of peace building in our classroom.  Learn the neuroscience behind empathy and hope, along with practical and doable classroom practices for weaving these practices into your daily classroom instruction and developing empathy and hope in your students.  Teaching students peaceful ways of being within themselves and with their peers not only impacts student success, but also sends them out of our schools as agents in creating a more peaceful world.

Topics Discussed: 

  • Learn how to teach about empathy and hope in your classroom.

  • Discover ways to create an emotionally safe, "Fair is Not Same" classroom.

  • Leave with practical strategies for Teaching Peace in your classroom.