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Trauma Video Series: Understanding Trauma:  Easing the Drama of Trauma Symptoms. Accessible information on the treatment of traumatic stress. Note: First in the series is free. There is a nominal cost for the entire series.

Just Listen: Youth Talk about Learning

Meredith’s Growth Mindset Fortune Teller Instructions: See Meredith create an awesome growth mindset tool.

Visualizing Adding Integers:  Todd Olson's terrific video for this sometimes challenging math concept.

Cool partnering at Up for Learning: They provide a road map for meaningful working partnerships between youth and adults - enabling them to take on the challenges and opportunities of improving their own schools across Vermont.

Learning about Learning: Empowering Students to Empower their Peers

Kathleen's St. Mary's College Distinguished Speaker Video

RefSeek's guide to the 25 best online resources for finding free educational videos. 

The Connected Classroom Video

Up for Learning: M3 - Mindsets, Metacognition, and Motivation: Middle School Students and Teachers share how they empower students to take charge of their own learning lives.

Cool Websites

Smithsonian Learning Lab: Teach effectively by creating your own interactive learning experiences—or adopt exemplars made by teachers and Smithsonian experts.

Full PreFrontal: Exposing the Mysteries of Executive Function.

Up for Learning:  They increase youth engagement by developing youth-adult partnerships in learning to ensure that each and every young person has the skills, self-confidence, and opportunities to assume meaningful roles in shaping their learning and their lives.

Virtual Field Trips:  A website with links to various places where you can see different parts of the world, famous landmarks, beautiful works of art, historic marvels, science adventures and so much more!

Me Moves: MeMoves™ is an easy and innovative way to increase attention and calm in as little as two minutes – in the classroom, at home, anywhere – for people of all ages and abilities. 

Skate Kids: Harness the natural power of game play and engage young learners.

Daily Good:  Check out the Every Day Heroes section!

The Learning Brain: Neuroscience:  The Learning Brain project is developing and evaluating science teaching resources on emerging areas in neuroscience for use with elementary and secondary school students.

No Excuse List:  Great sites to lead you to where you can learn about anything.

inspiremykids.com: The world's largest community of inspiration for kids.

MaryAnn Brittingham Professional Development Seminars

Solution Tree